Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes

Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes

Today in this recipe, I’ll show you how to prepare Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread pancakes, or you can say that you will know the great recipe to make Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes, today. So, without wasting time let’s start:

Ingredients To Make Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes

To make the Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes, the ingredients which are required to make this recipe are the following which are shown below:

  • 2 tablespoons plus 3/4 cup whole wheat flour (you may use all-purpose flour instead if you’d like)
  • two tsp powdered baking
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg, ground
  • Two sizable eggs, kept apart
  • One cup Greek yogurt (full fat)
  • One tsp vanilla essence
  • One tablespoon of honey (optional; if not, use one more tablespoon of brown sugar instead)
  • Two tsp light brown sugar
  • One cup of mashed bananas—the riper, the better—
  • For one batch of pancakes, I usually use two to three teaspoons of butter for the pan.

Instructions To Make Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes

To make the Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes, these are some very important instructions that you have to follow while making it. So by following these ones, you will be able to make the Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes, and the instructions are the following, which are shown below:

  1. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a big basin.
  2. Whisk the egg yolks, Greek yogurt, sugar, vanilla, and honey in a another dish.
  3. Don’t overmix while adding the flour mixture to the wet ingredients; simply whisk until incorporated. There will be a lot of leftover clumps, but that’s okay because the batter is thick.
  4. Pour the egg whites into a large basin or the stand mixer’s bowl with the whisk attachment attached. Using a high speed mixer, beat the egg whites until soft peaks start to form.
  5. Fold egg whites into flour/yogurt mixture with rubber spatula; stir until well combined. Add the bananas and stir until everything is combined. Always keep an eye on your mixing since too much batter mixed in leads to harsh, rubbery texture.
  6. One tablespoon of butter should be melted over medium heat in a large pan.
  7. Spoon about a third of a cup of batter into the skillet; fry a couple at a time to prevent the batter from blending.
  8. Cook pancakes for two to three minutes on each side, or until the tops of the pancakes bubble and the sides start to brown. Proceed with all of the pancake batter.
  9. Add honey, syrup, berries, bananas, or whatever else your little heart wishes on the top of pancakes! Serve right away.

Conclusion (Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes)

So, this is all about “Healthy Greek Yogurt and Honey Banana Bread Pancakes” from our side. And we hope that you understand and like the Recipe. Please share your ideas and recommendations in the comments section below!

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