Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins

Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins

Today in this recipe, I’ll show you how to prepare Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins, or you can say that you will know the great recipe to make Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins, today. So, without wasting time let’s start:

Time To Make It

The approximate time to make the Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins is shown in table which is given below:

Prep TimeCook TimeTotal TimeServings
10 minutes18 minutes28 minutes12 standard sized muffins

Ingredients To Make Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins

To make the Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins, the ingredients which are required to make this recipe are the following which are shown below:

  • One cup of flour for all purposes
  • One cup of whole-wheat flour
  • One-third tsp baking powder
  • one and a half tsp ground cinnamon
  • 3/4 cup of packed light brown sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Two big, room-temperature eggs
  • One cup of Sour Cream with Fat
  • Eight tablespoons of butter, heated and divided until *browned (if necessary, according to the paragraph below).
  • two tsp of essence from vanilla
  • half a cup of raspberry preserves


  • Four tsp light brown sugar
  • one third cup all-purpose flour
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • Two and a half teaspoons of chilled butter

Instructions To Make Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins

To make the Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins, these are some very important instructions that you have to follow while making it. So by following these ones you will be able to make the Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins, and the instructions are the following which are shown below:

  1. Set oven temperature to 400°F. Set aside a 12-cup muffin pan that has been greased or lined with paper liners.
  2. Mix the flours, baking powder, cinnamon, sugar, and salt in a big basin and put it aside.
  3. The eggs, sour cream, 4 tablespoons of the browned butter, and vanilla should all be thoroughly mixed together in a separate basin.
  4. Just until the dry ingredients are moistened, gently whisk in the liquid mixture. Stir in the leftover browned butter.
  5. After dividing the batter in half, top each muffin pan mold with another scoop of batter and a dollop of raspberry preserves. Swirl the mixture lightly. You want to fill each muffin tray about 3/4 of the way.

For the topping:

  1. Combine the cinnamon, flour, and sugar in a small bowl. Until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs, cut the butter into the dry ingredients. Dollop a couple of teaspoons onto every muffin.
  2. Bake for 16–18 minutes at 400° (F), or until the tops are golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out mostly clean of crumbs. Before placing the muffins on a serving tray, let them cool in the pan for five minutes. Warm up and serve.


*If possible, use your favorite brand of raspberry preserves, or the nicest jar you can find! Selecting a berry swirl that you truly love is key since it will be evident in the final result.You may use any flavor preserves in place of raspberry preserves. *All it takes to brown butter is to put it in a small saucepan or pan. Once the butter has melted entirely, start melting it over medium heat and whisk continuously. After the butter has turned a light tan color and you have stopped swirling it, take the skillet off of the heat. Make sure you take the butter from the heat as soon as it turns that light golden brown, since it will continue to cook after you remove it. Before using, let the butter cool for a few seconds. * Full fat Greek yogurt can be used in place of full fat sour cream.If you’d like, you may use all-purpose flour instead of whole wheat flour, but I don’t suggest it for this recipe. Muffins made this way will be drier.I suggest using a little amount of non-stick spray to gently coat the paper liners in the muffin tray. This lessens the possibility of any “stickage” between the paper and the muffin during baking.

Conclusion (Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins)

So, this is all about “Brown Butter Raspberry Swirl Muffins” from our side. And we hope that you understand and like the Recipe. Please share your ideas and recommendations in the comments section below!

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