Perfectly Seared Scallops

Perfectly Seared Scallops

Today in this recipe, I’ll show you how to prepare Perfectly Seared Scallops or you can say that you will know the great recipe to make Perfectly Seared Scallops, today. So, without wasting time let’s start:

Time To Make It

The approximate time to make the Perfectly Seared Scallops is shown in table which is given below:

Prep TimeCook TimeTotal TimeServings
5 minutes5 minutes10 minutes4 servings

Ingredients To Make Perfectly Seared Scallops

To make the Perfectly Seared Scallops, the ingredients which are required to make this recipe are the following which are shown below:

  • One pound of dried-patted sea scallops
  • One tablespoon of butter without salt
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • sea salt that has been freshly crushed
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • Optional: squeeze a lemon

Instructions To Make Perfectly Seared Scallops

To make the Perfectly Seared Scallops, these are some very important instructions that you have to follow while making it. So by following these ones you will be able to make the Perfectly Seared Scallops and the instructions are the following which are shown below:

  1. If the scallops have little side muscles, remove them, rinse with cold water, and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. In a large sauté pan set over high heat, add the oil and butter.
  3. Salt and pepper the scallops generously. When the butter/oil mixture starts to smoke, carefully add the scallops, taking care to keep them apart. Sear scallops for 1 1/2 minutes on each side, being careful not to touch them. The scallops need to be transparent in the middle and have a lovely golden crust on both sides. Serve immediately!

Conclusion (Perfectly Seared Scallops)

So, this is all about “Perfectly Seared Scallops” from our side. And we hope that you understand and like the Recipe. Please share your ideas and recommendations in the comments section below!

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